15 April 2021: Springtime in Bio-Distretto Cilento: on-line meetings, debates, conferences, farm visits, cultural exchanges

On 25 March 2021 the European Commission published the new Action Plan for organic farming – COM (2021) 141 final (https://ec.europa.eu/info/food-farming-fisheries/farming/organic-farming/organic-action-plan_en#documents).

An important role is given also to Bio-Districts (or Organic Districts), which are explicitly mentioned in the EU Document, with an invitation to Member States to support any development and implementation, to reach 25% of total EU agricultural land under organic farming by 2030. This is the goal set by the strategies “Farm to Fork” and “Biodiversity”, promoted by the EU as part of the “Green Deal”.

This is an undoubted recognition at international level, that rewards the work of all organic districts created in Italy, in Europe and in the World and the activities of international coordination and development carried out by IN.N.E.R association network and the worldwide alliance for organic districts GAOD (www.gaod.online), with the active participation of IFOAM Organics Europe.

But what’s an organic district? This figure of innovative territorial governance is based on the formal agreement among farmers, consumers and mayors for the sustainable development of the territory. It was codified in 2004 in Cilento and just there, in the municipality of Ceraso, preparations are underway for the realization, next 15th of April, of an online conference promoted by IN.N.E.R. and the Cilento Bio-District. The Europe’s leading experts will present on this occasion the tools to support the creation and integrated management of organic districts.

The event will be carried out in the “Springtime in Cilento Bio-District”, which includes online meetings, debates, excursions, study visits and cultural exchanges through the organic districts.

Press release by European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_1275

Press release by Bio-Distretto Cilento: http://www.ecoregion.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Comunicato_Stampa_EN.pdf

With the beginning of spring, every year, the phase of inner growth ends and the visible rebirth begins. The plants show themselves in all their beauty, made of bright colours and heady fragrances. Also awaken the minds and the desire to show to all the work done in the autumn and winter months.

The organic district amplifies all this and, especially in a pandemic period, the desire to compare each other and exchange positive energies becomes great. This is what we will do on this spring day, through on-line meetings, debates, conferences and exchange of experiences between the protagonists of the organic districts.

Download the Agenda in pdf: http://www.ecoregion.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SPRINGTIMEinBIO-DISTRETTO_Cilento_Conference_Agenda.pdf

Registrations: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/new-tools-to-support-the-organic-districts-tickets-147933863167

Download the full programme in pdf: http://www.ecoregion.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SPRINGTIMEinBIO-DISTRETTO_Cilento_Italy_EN_fin.pdf