9 May 2024, Ceraso: Day of shared planning of the activities to be carried out at Palazzo Di Lorenzo after the assignment to Agorà Mediterranea

A day organised following the assignment of the “Palazzo di Lorenzo” located in the municipality of Ceraso.

A palace with a strongly symbolic value as we are convinced that a Common Good is a Community Good and, in a process of co-responsibility and protection, we want to try to dream and realise together a series of activities within the three areas identified in the tender phase.

Specifically, the “Agorà Mediterranea” project brings together nature, psychophysical well-being, environmental protection, territorial valorization and development, social inclusion through the practice of sharing, participation and protagonism, promoting critical development processes, active citizenship, economy ethics and welfare policies of regenerative communities.
We want to create a “space”, both real and symbolic, in which to live an authentic and powerful experience that will allow us to acquire greater self-awareness as citizens, as well as building an effectively effective production system that is a glue of values for the community . All following the principle of “suspended” space and knowing how to Stand. Suspended time, dictated in recent years by the pandemic which for a period slowed down our lives, suspending them while waiting for the future, means seizing the time, to give new meaning, to redesign the future of the territory. SoStare will serve to create the Piazza della Polis of Ceraso, the Mediterranean Agora for the development of the territory through the networking of the resources that Cilento offers starting from its own culture and nature with an attentive eye to fragilities. A beating heart of the “Cilento Common Good”. To achieve these objectives, interventions in the social and socio-health fields will be restructured, policies will be promoted for the reduction of inequalities, for the protection of cultural heritage, environmental protection and beauty education as fundamental elements for a sustainable future.

The project involves the development of three macro areas.

Eco-sustainable tourism. In line with the Next Generation EU Plan, which sees Digital as one of the central pillars for the restart of sustainable tourism, a series of activities will be promoted for the development of a new form of ethical, inclusive, precision, digital tourism capable to enhance and interconnect Cilento and its cultural and natural heritage with the rest of the world starting from the historic center of Ceraso. To achieve this objective, a tourism supply chain of traveler services will be created; specifically: tourist itineraries/packages that link local productions and culinary traditions to cultural heritage and natural heritage, accommodation hospitality spaces, an intercultural table inside the Palace, a refreshment area that ranges from social agriculture to a multi-ethnic table with use of products grown on confiscated assets and local organic products, hiking and local tourism, keeping in mind that the tourism sector is a world in strong transformation, and digital technologies are crucial for its innovation and development.

Training and job orientation area. For us, dedicating an area to professional training means investing in essential elements to activate employability processes. Professional training for new and old generations, to increase knowledge and skills and get closer to a sustainable and cooperative way of working. An area of the Palace will be dedicated to training, particularly in the economic sectors that characterize Cilento and for the development of new local entrepreneurship in contrast to the unemployment rate. These sectors include agriculture and all professions linked to the theme of sustainability, which know how to blend innovation and tradition. Organic and Regenerative Agriculture will be a focus with courses in the agro-ecological field also in collaboration with the University of Agriculture. In the tourism sector, specialized training courses will be activated aimed at creating expert professionals in tourism services. Other courses will be dedicated to crafts and cooking with particular attention to the professions of the future (upcycling, bio-district technician, electrical technician, etc.). Erasmus projects and CO-Working spaces will be activated. Furthermore, with the important support of the League of Cooperatives of Campania, a desk will be created aimed at supporting self-entrepreneurship and start-ups with various paths for accessing subsidized credit (Resto al Sud, Pico, Cultura crea, female entrepreneurship, cooperative of community, etc.).

Community and regenerative welfare. This cultural proposal follows the principle of the 5 R’s (in Italian)(Collect/Redistribute/Regenerate/Render/Responsibilise), aimed at the cultural and inclusive growth of citizens in contrast to inequality policies. To achieve this objective, a series of awareness-raising and social inclusion activities will be promoted (cultural, recreational, sporting, educational activities, shared workshops) so that children, young people and adults can get closer to the environment, practice horticulture, grow, learn, know and acquire greater awareness of the issues of nutrition, natural resources and interdependence with the natural world, in a place designed to be accessible to everyone. Doing food education, civic education, teaching pleasure, loving culture, going on a journey… will be the key principles of the common thread that links all the activities that will animate goodness. In this sense, a library will be set up in the structure, with an adjoining study-reading room as well as a multipurpose room for various activities and a film club. Free local entertainment is provided all year round; during the summer summer camps in collaboration with the Municipality. Awareness and prevention days with the ASL, creation of a social garden. We will restore the art, literature and poetry prize in Ceraso, guided tours of the area will be promoted for schools with legality education courses, the Olympic games will be held in local areas, holistic inclusion activities. Finally, a local committee of active citizenship will be promoted which can become a hotbed of ideas and proposals for the territory to make citizens protagonists in their own territory.

Info: agoramediterranea5@gmail.com